To impart value based quality education in an exclusive child friendly environment meeting the dynamic educational trends, and moulding every child into a complete human being.
The school believes firmly in the Bhavan's faith and implements the vision of Munshiji to acquire the best in contemporary education so that they may fare well in life and at the same time give their best to the Society.
Let us once again set forth Bhavan’s faith for the benefit of new students and members, for it is necessary that they should understand it clearly and imbibe its spirit. The Bhavan stands for the reintegration of Indian culture. In a world falling to pieces under the impact of an amoral technological avalanche, it tries to hold fast to the fundamental values for which our culture stands – RITA, SATYA, YAGNA and TAPAS.
The school aims at moulding the personality of every child to meet the demands of changing Society, yet maintain the traits of an Indian by all means.